Monday, April 28, 2014

Deeper Meaning of Life
        I was reading an article which talked about never taking a day for granted, rising above from a tough day, making each day count.  I came upon this quote which spoke to me in so many moving ways. “Some people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of a purpose, to teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become.”  I meet new people everyday and I never know their story.  I can learn so much from a new person. I never thought that walking into Westfield Elementary could be such a life changing experience.                                
I was sitting in the back of the room while a little girl named Jordyn, was in front of the class, perky as can be, explaining to her classmates what happened when she was in the hospital getting cancer treatments.  A first grader who won the fight against cancer, something that so many fear.  She didn’t shed a tear when going into detail about the IVs, the tests, the chemo, and losing her hair. In that moment I felt upset and cheerful.  Here I am listening to a fighter.  Someone who shouldn’t even know what cancer is, someone who has already had to fight for her life and has not even reached the the age of 8. Someone who survived.   There was something about her that just inspired me.  
I slowly became a part of her life.  Jordyn runs to me when I walk in and greets me with a hug.  She’s my “mini me” in the halls, holding my hand tightly and skipping.  She’s always the first to come and sit on my lap or make sure she is sitting extra close to me.  I’ve frequently had these moments with Jordyn when she gives me more insight of what she’s been through, she won’t let cancer stop her.  Jordyn told me; " I loved the hospital, it was such a fun place.  My nurses were awesome we had a lot of fun together."  How do I respond to that, the hospital isn't a fun place.  It's where you go when something isn't right.  "Those nurses must have been awesome, I'm happy they made it fun for you."  I was at a loss of words, she loved this place that she spent so much time at.  I was shown a piece of writing done by Jordyn that said, “I cried when I survived cancer”.  That sentence struck me, it was like a punch to the gut which resulted in tears.  I closed my eyes and said “thank you” because she has shown me that there is so much in life to be grateful for. 
I’m so thankful for everything I’ve learned and gained from this experience. It means the world to me knowing not only is she changing my life but I’m making an impact in hers.  I’m an improved person, I take in all those small precious moments that I have with her.  I now look back at the end of the day and find all the positives that occurred.  I never realized that someone so young could take you so far.  I’m beyond blessed with her, she means more to me than she knows.  I met her for a reason, she gave me a deeper meaning of life.